swisscontentcloud dms software

The dms solution für your SME

Dokumentenablage leicht gemacht. Mit unserem DMS können Sie sicher sein, dass all Ihre digitalen Dateien und Dokumente am richtigen Ort und in der richtigen Version abgespeichert sind – und das bei ultimativer Datensicherheit.


Unsere DMS Software integriert sich nathlos in Ihre bestehenden Systeme

No suitable integration for your company listed?

Whether CRM, ERP or specific industry software - we ensure that our Swiss Content Cloud integrates smoothly into your existing software landscape. Our aim is to simplify your workflow and ensure an efficient, seamless connection between our systems and your existing IT infrastructure.

Mit unserem DMS arbeiten Sie auf Wolke sieben

The data remains in Switzerland

With our DMS solution, your digital documents and files enjoy ultimate data security thanks to servers that are located exclusively in Switzerland. You can access your documents securely and reliably at any time.

Changes to documents are traceable

Our solution enables automatic version management so that you can always work with the most current version of your documents.

Innovative document classification through AI

Managing your documents is much easier because our DMS system automatically recognizes and classifies the category of your document.

More legal certainty - risk of data loss is minimized

By correctly storing all relevant electronic documents, we guarantee you legal security.



Initial situation

Like many other companies, the Sihlsana care center in Adliswil struggled with a confusing document organization.

The resulting insecurity on the part of users led to employees increasingly saving the documents that were important to them on their own PCs, which of course is not in the company's interest either.


To solve the problem, management was looking for an innovative, digital document management solution that could be used as a cloud service and was to be located in Switzerland for data protection reasons. 

The solution should be accessible via the browser and mobile devices and provide the ability to set document authorization and retention policies in a consistent manner.


Passion makes the difference

For more than 20 years, our passion as a software provider has been to master the challenges of our customers with innovative solutions. This philosophy gave rise to Swiss Content Cloud, a cloud DMS with guaranteed data storage in Switzerland. Everything web, everything mobile and seamless integration into your environment - enterprise technology at a price suitable for SMEs.

swiss content cloud fort nox

Intelligent document storage,
Directly from the Alps

We store your data exclusively in Switzerland. For this we use Swiss Fort Knox, a data center located deep in the Swiss Alps. Here your data is safe from unauthorized access and is subject to Swiss law. So you can be sure that your sensitive data remains confidential.

Swiss Content Cloud offers
numerous advantages for your company

Produktivität erhöhen & Kosten einsparen

Increase productivity & save costs

Companies can spend a lot of time and resources on manual management tasks with Swiss Content Cloud, such as searching, sorting, archiving and updating documents. This leads to inefficient workflows and an increased workload for employees.

Skalierbare Lösung für das Unternehmenswachstum

Scalable solution for business growth

The Swiss Content Cloud grows with the needs of the business. No matter how many documents and information need to be managed, the system scales effortlessly and always remains efficient and practical for the growing volume of data.

Höchste Sicherheit

Highest security and compliance

The Swiss Content Cloud provides organizations with a secure environment for handling sensitive information. With robust security measures and strict adherence to compliance regulations, risks for security breaches, data loss or violations are minimized.

Stärkung der Teamarbeit

Promotion of teamwork

Whether employees work at different locations or in different teams, the Swiss Content Cloud enables smooth collaboration on shared documents. Versions are easily tracked, changes are synchronized and teamwork is efficiently supported.

Strukturierte und leicht zugängliche Dokumentenspeicherung

Structured and easily accessible document storage

Through our document management system, companies can store and manage their documents in an organized and user-friendly way. Important information is not lost and can be found easily and quickly at any time.

nahtlose-integration salesforce

Nahtlose Integration in Salesforce CRM

You use Salesforce CRM but are worried about storing your documents in it? With our seamless integration in Salesforce CRM, you can throw these concerns overboard, because wherever you work with it, your documents stay in Switzerland.

cross works wolke

Interested? Contact us

Put an end to inefficient document management! Swiss Content Cloud makes it possible! Put an end to unstructured filing that leads to security risks and scalability issues. Book your free live demo now!

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